base1 data.
of taxes.
*0 *# 0#1*0* the Executed code of the module in system
belongs to Tax Management of the Country.
*0 * # 0#0*0* the Executed code of the module in system
belongs to system JVPsй
operations in between members of system in a cell - without tax.
operations in the module with cells - bank and financial operations in system - according to
the existing legislation on 01.01.2004.
deductions are
made at reception of the goods (in system of delivery JVPsй аat the airport) or
acknowledgement{*confirmations*} on reception of service at a set of
codes of Tax Management.
territory of the country the goods act free from the tax.а
operator of mobile communication at realization of financial operations
leans{*bases*} on Laws the of country,
in other countries or networks of information character.
deductions JVPsй .
made from the sums of insurance and the award.
payment of taxes is realized.аа
client of system, according to the contract with the operator ьё., translates on the settlement account of
the operator in roubles. Having made payment in interiors of the operator ьё. Or translation of the sum by any
convenient way.а
The module with product of translation of the sums.
operative monetary help, payment of payments, the donation, payment for the
goods or services, television shop, collective references .
* їїї * 0* phone in a cell of system
* - payment (translation) in the module.
Updating of the sum as a gift only from a member of a cell about
acknowledgement of all cell. Without the tax.аа
* їїї * 1* phone of the module * -
payment of the sum *їїї* for the goods or service. According to the module.аа
of orders is made on time of translation of transfer and traced by the
operator ьё. And post service.
Combination of a code and algorithm of the
# їїї # - a code of the sums of operations by
the module.а
# їїї # 0 - the sum of operation and figure 0
areа determined as gift-
# їїї # 1 - the sum of operation and figure 1
areа determined as trading operation
0 - figure - a code of definition without
tax operation.а
1 - figure - a code of definition of the
* The phone of the module * - a code of the
module - number of the sold goods or service in system.
* The phone in a cell of system * - the
client of the system having guarantees of an insurance society confirmed
system JVPsй .а
bell is made for activation of process from the phone of the buyerа
A code of the country * ph. The seller * - *123*4567890 * * 100 * (2.3)
operator of mobile communication at reception of a bell makes observation
of legality by
Comparison of a phone number and Imea the device. (3.3)а
Departures of message GSM on one of phones of the guarantor (3.2). At
reception of acknowledgement the message on formation of a full code in
system JVPsйа is sent.а
The system transfers inquiry with a full code to the seller of a product,
obliging to transfer the information on the module, tax deductions to the
client - on under a site of the client of system as the contract. Textual
(on an official site) or as SMS messages. On certain time the contract.аа
Example of a set on a code - payment of 200
roubles on number 9725555555
The goods or service having the certain tax cost.
The operator of the buyer traces the first part of
a code. The inquiry in system JVPsйа
is formed.
The processed inquiry obliges the seller to inform
the client about яЁхфяюыюурхьющ to operation.
As the message on a sort of operation, the sums and taxes. The code only
after acknowledgement by the client on legality of the bargain is formed.а
In system of the operator ьё. The given
operation is supervised by post service and tax management.
For what it isа
determined tax deductions for the given phone number at registration
on a site of the seller. At concurrence of codes in system JVPsйа the client will carry out{*spend*} operation
before end - by a set of a full code.
9725555555 * * 200 * 1*9721111111*аа
That obliges the operator ьё. To list the
specified sums of operation and taxes to settlement accounts according to
contracts in system. Confirms voluntariness in performance of operations.
concurrence of a code at the seller, the operator ьё., tax management - operation is considered
lawful and may be carried out .
аThe client makes a bell for
acknowledgement of purchase with a full code-
а* A code of the country * ph. The
seller*#їїї#1*code of the country *ph. The
buyer *
ааа їїї - cost of a product.
A code of the seller * # the sum # 1* code of the buyer * - the end of
operation under the control of tax service.
аTaxes according to the given code are
listed by the operator in tax management at once at a set from the phone of
the buyer in system.аа
аFrom the settlement account of the
client of the operator ьё. There are payments of taxes
and awards.аа
combination *0 *# 0#1*0* in system belongs to tax management of the country.
does not allow use of below laying modules in construction of pyramids and
system there are no operations with cash.
operations in a digital kind, are supervised by three parties.а
model - systems JVPsй , post service JVPsй , - the control of tax
mechanism of payment - the control the operator ьё., tax management, (post service JVPs й ),
(the television company).а
All operations occur from the
registered phone of system the operator ьё., that gives the full and checked up
information on the client.
The information
allocated with red color is illegal.
It is given
only for acquaintance - as the fact of existence in the Internet