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Theft of mobile phones in Australia loses any sense


The Australian operators of communicationа from submission of authorities have agreed to create a uniform databank for registration of numbers of the mobile phones which have disappeared at clients. Henceforth to determine , who posessed the lost or stolen device, it is necessary for operator enter such database simply.


In case the phone is in search, at its new owner serious complications with bodies of the law and order may arise. Thus, theft of phones loses any sense. Earlier at loss or theft of a cellular telephone the victim only might block the SIM-card with telephone number, and it was possible to provide access to communication only at the reference in other company.


To go on acceptance of such measures of the Australian operators has induced prosperity of illegal trade by the stolen mobile phones: annually in the country vanished about 100 thousand devices. The industry of communication is one of the most advanced in Australia. According to all available information, on 20 million inhabitants of Green continent it is necessary 13 million cellular telephones.





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аTo contact  " JVPS й " write: juri.jakovlev@mail.ru
й 2000-2004,  " JVPs й "


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